All Prompts


Before submitting a prompt, please read the prompt guide to ensure your prompt is appropriate and follows the rules. All prompts require the minimum requirements specified in the guidelines, unless otherwise stated!
Not all prompts give bonuses for extra effort, so please read the prompt carefully! Feel free to check out the FAQ for more information.

A Hard Day's Work

"A day's work is hard, but letting go of the day's toils is harder."


How does your fenroo spend their free time?

Fenroo are hard workers, but even better at taking time to relax!
Do they have hobbies? Does your 'roo lean towards physical activities like exercising?
Or do they prefer something a little less intense coupled with a warm cup of coffee.
Do they like music? podcasts?
Maybe they love true crime. Maybe there's a movie they've watched over and over and can never get enough of, or a novel they keep coming back to.

Is their free time a social recharge, or are they the life of the party?! 
Do they have a preferred group of friends to hang out with, or do they prefer it just to be them?
Or maybe someone special introduced them to their favourite activity.


Reward Amount
Golden Denarii 1
Silver Denarii 5

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

Given Gifts

[FLAT REWARD | NO BONUSES] - Perhaps you'd like to make someone's day!


Draw or write about another user's Fenroo!

This prompt DOES NOT have any bonuses!
Both drawing AND writing submissions need to meet the minimum prompt requirements.

Can be completed once per week!


Reward Amount
Silver Denarii 5
Golden Denarii 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per week .


[FLAT REWARD | NO BONUSES] - Draw the featured 'roo!


No further details.


Reward Amount
Golden Denarii 2
Silver Denarii 5

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per week .

..And So Came The Rains

After a troublesomely dry season, the rains have finally come.


The Rainy Season Has Finally Begun!

The rainy season is an extremely important event on Veld, both culturally and for the lifecycle of Fenroo.
Fenroo have become symbiotic with a special plant, called the Dewdapple. Dewdapples enable fenroo to produce the required proteins to create spores - the beginning of a baby 'roo!
The rainy season also has important cultural significance - it signals the beginning of new life, love, food, and the promise to rebuild Veld to its former glory that fenroo have collectively pledged.

Normally, the rainy season begins earlier in the year. The lack of rainfall has troubled many fenroo, many resigning that there would be no celebrations this season...

Draw or write about your fenroo's reaction to the rains returning!

With the coming of the rains, comes a season with new opportunities and life in the barren lands of Veld.
How does your Fenroo react to this?
Are they perhaps taking this time to show love for their friends, family, or partner?
Or are they indulging in the seasonal delicacies associated with the rains, or even thinking of bringing new life to these once-desert lands?

It's up to you to decide!


Reward Amount
Rainbow Eucalyptus 1
Golden Denarii 2
Silver Denarii 5

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

Chasing the Clouds

The rains endlessly roll across the vast expanse of Veld, and with it, comes fertile lands and flourishing natural activity.


The clouds of Veld never linger long...

Separate from the cross-continental rainy and dry seasons of Veld, the planet also features a coalescence of clouds that drift over the land, ever-shifting with the currents of the wind. Every couple of months the wind changes and the rains appear in a new location, rejuvenating the scorched earth and promoting new growth.

Certain mobilities of fenroo are tasked with diligently following these rainclouds, tending to the land as they promised after "The Great Fire".
These nomadic Fenroo use various means to aid in the restoration of the earth such as restorative planting, community bonding, documenting fauna, etc.

Current Location: The Range

Every few months, the rains will move to a new location, pushing back the smog that envelops Veld and revealing new locations.

How does your Fenroo help restore the lands of Veld?

Is your fenroo one of the nomadic keepers of Veld? Or are they located on The Range - producing plants and seeds to be used?
Or perhaps they find little miracles in their own community.


Reward Amount
Golden Denarii 1
Silver Denarii 5
Random Crafting Material 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

Simple Life


This prompt has two parts!

You don't have to complete both, but those who choose to will get an extra reward!

Part 1: Happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye.

The harvest season is a time of abundance and gratitude, where the fruits of hard work and dedication come to fruition.
Fenroo take great pride in their ability to cultivate the land and provide for their communities!

How does your fenroo prepare for and celebrate the harvest? Do they have special rituals or festivals?
What kinds of crops and produce are they gathering? Or did the abstain, preferring another labour of love?

Part 2: Who doesn't enjoy a good meal?

After the harvest, it's encouraged to take a step back from the everyday activities of life and enjoy the simple things that bring joy, like food!

Communities often gather to create lavish banquets filled with the finest delicacies. Now, your fenroo has been given the task of crafting something spectacular!

Draw or Write about your fenroo creating a meal!

Is your fenroo a skilled cook, an enthusiastic amateur, or someone who probably shouldn’t be in the kitchen at all?
Do they opt for a simple dish, or do they go all out with an elaborate feast?
Do they use ingredients available year-round, or do they seek out the rarest seasonal delights?

reward for completing part 2:

You will receive all of the default currency rewards, & one Rocky Salad!



Reward Amount
Golden Denarii 1
Silver Denarii 5
Dewdapple 2

You can submit this prompt 2 time(s) per year .

Trouble on the Horizon


The rainy season is a sign of hope and a reminder of what's to come...

The rainy season is a powerful symbol of new life and rebirth for the fenroo. However, it also serves as a poignant reminder of the looming dry season.

Ever since the Great Fire of ages past, the rainy season has become a mnemonic for the fenroo's duties to restore their homeland.
The ash left behind from the fire holds deep cultural significance. It is not only essential for the regrowth project but also a sombre reminder of what has been lost.

Draw or Write about your fenroo preparing for the dry season

How does your fenroo engage with the land during this transformative time?
Do they embrace the hope that comes with the rain, or do they feel the weight of their responsibilities more keenly?

Do they assist the regrowth project by planting trees? Or do they seek to combat the smog enveloping Veld?


Reward Amount
Refined Ash 1
Golden Denarii 1
Silver Denarii 5

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

7 results found.