Trouble on the Horizon

Trouble on the Horizon

Category: Event Prompts


The rainy season is a sign of hope and a reminder of what's to come...

The rainy season is a powerful symbol of new life and rebirth for the fenroo. However, it also serves as a poignant reminder of the looming dry season.

Ever since the Great Fire of ages past, the rainy season has become a mnemonic for the fenroo's duties to restore their homeland.
The ash left behind from the fire holds deep cultural significance. It is not only essential for the regrowth project but also a sombre reminder of what has been lost.

Draw or Write about your fenroo preparing for the dry season

How does your fenroo engage with the land during this transformative time?
Do they embrace the hope that comes with the rain, or do they feel the weight of their responsibilities more keenly?

Do they assist the regrowth project by planting trees? Or do they seek to combat the smog enveloping Veld?


Reward Amount
Refined Ash 1
Golden Denarii 1
Silver Denarii 5

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .