

The Rainy Season

Pairing is a yearly event during the annual rainy season - known as "La Plu'uis" in Vokari. This is due to the appearance of the Dewdapple, a seasonal berry found around rivers and lakes that form during the monsoons. Dewdapple is a temperamental berry requiring moist soils and shady embankments to grow.

Fenroo have evolved alongside the Dewdapple and rely on it for reproductive purposes - it causes Fenroo's venulae to secrete mucus that can be mixed with other roo's to form spores. Fenroo lack traditional reproductive organs found in other marsupials, and instead utilise a type of protein-sequencing. This also means that fenroo are inherently sexless, and can present a multitude of secondary sex characteristics that would normally be attributed to a specific sex.



Fenroo are a generally monogamous species, often choosing a partner for life. Traditionally, when a pairing of 'roos feel ready for a joey, they can consume Dewdapples and rub their cheeks. This pairing ritual should be done in a body of water, as it allows the spores to converge around the parent's pouches. The spores will begin to form into small beans that will continue to grow in the comfort of their parent's pouch. This means that, most often, a pairing will produce two joeys each year - one for each parent.

Unfortunately, ever since the Great Fire, Dewdapples have lost some of their potency. This means that Dewdapples must be mixed with other ingredients to create a "jam" before being strong enough to allow fenroo to reproduce.

Jars of Starlight

Fenroo can also be created from a mysterious item, a "Jar of Starlight". No one is quite sure how these jars are created.
The "starlight" captured in these jars are spores imbued with magic energy, and when brought in contact with water, will create a joey without requiring any parents.
Joeys born from starlight often have unique features and rarer traits.
