..And So Came The Rains

..And So Came The Rains

Category: Event Prompts
Ends: 6 August 2024, 00:00:00 DMT (1 month ago)

After a troublesomely dry season, the rains have finally come.


The Rainy Season Has Finally Begun!

The rainy season is an extremely important event on Veld, both culturally and for the lifecycle of Fenroo.
Fenroo have become symbiotic with a special plant, called the Dewdapple. Dewdapples enable fenroo to produce the required proteins to create spores - the beginning of a baby 'roo!
The rainy season also has important cultural significance - it signals the beginning of new life, love, food, and the promise to rebuild Veld to its former glory that fenroo have collectively pledged.

Normally, the rainy season begins earlier in the year. The lack of rainfall has troubled many fenroo, many resigning that there would be no celebrations this season...

Draw or write about your fenroo's reaction to the rains returning!

With the coming of the rains, comes a season with new opportunities and life in the barren lands of Veld.
How does your Fenroo react to this?
Are they perhaps taking this time to show love for their friends, family, or partner?
Or are they indulging in the seasonal delicacies associated with the rains, or even thinking of bringing new life to these once-desert lands?

It's up to you to decide!


Reward Amount
Rainbow Eucalyptus 1
Golden Denarii 2
Silver Denarii 5

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

This prompt has ended.