Submission (#148) Approved

21 June 2024, 01:26:32 DMT (1 week ago)
21 June 2024, 11:57:35 DMT (1 week ago) by Usaretam
While the end of the rainy season does mark the end of the harvest, rebirth and life for Fenroo, even the most harrowing seasons have moments of respite. Rain disallows for activities that typically can only be done in dryer seasons, so before the regrowth project gets into it's more strenuous and heat-exhaustive activities, some Fenroo find a chance to engage with more quiet evenings between the wet and dry.

So have Buscuit enjoying some s'mores! I imagine they'd be very careful to preserve the ash they make, and take extreme care with the bonfire they create so it's always contained.
Criteria Rewards

[General] FTO / Non-Owner Bonus - 2 Silver Denarii

FTO / Non-Owner: On
Thumbnail for Fenroo-003: Biscuit

Fenroo-003: Biscuit

No rewards set.