Guide: Getting started

🌵 Welcome to Fenroo! 🌵

Fenroo is a community-based ARPG based on the planet Veld!
We welcome artists and writers of all skill levels to join us in expanding and exploring the lore of Veld, and its inhabitants, fenroo!
Anyone can join and participate, regardless of whether you own a fenroo or not!

The ARPG is an entirely optional bonus to Fenroo, you are most welcome to simply enjoy collecting characters and creating artwork with the community or in private!

Currently, the website and much of our info is a heavy work in progress, so bear with us as we continue to work on improving it!



There are some terms thrown around on the site that some newcomers may be unfamiliar with!

  • MYO slot - "Make your own" slot. This is an item that allows you to design a character and have it officially added to the website.
    • Also known as a "Character Slot".
  • ARPG - "Art Role-Playing Game". This term simply refers to how progress is made in the game, primarily through creating art!
  • FTO - "First Time Owner". Any user who has never owned a fenroo.
  • Non-Owner - Any user who previously owned a fenroo, but does not currently.

📔Registering your account📔

To play within the Fenroo ARPG, you must register an account on the website.


  As soon as you sign up for the site, you’ll receive a welcome basket which includes some stuff to get you started!
You can open a gift by selecting it in your inventory, and then checking the check box next to the one you want to open. After that click "open" and it will give you your items.

Verifying Your Account requires you to verify your email, and, optionally link a trusted social media to access most site features.

🎲Playing the game🎲

You do not need a character to sign up or participate!
You can earn currency and items through gift art or using an NPC.

There are many ways to get a character if you don't have one, and we will continue adding more options!

Complete prompts

Completing prompts is the best way to earn currency!
You can view the prompt guide below.

Participate in events

We also occasionally hold events, which can be a great way for non-owners to save up for a MYO slot and earn some traits!
Check the news or discord to see if any events are currently live.


Join the Community!

While not required, a HUGE part of Fenroo is being a part of the community and talking with others about your characters, art, stories, and interests.
Consider joining our discord where you can do all of those things, with the bonus of in-game rewards for chatting!
Discord is also great if you want to keep up to date on all site updates, all design sales, or need a quick way to reach out to staff with any questions, feel free to pop in and ask us something if you need any help.

Thanks for reading everything, we hope you have a good time here!