Community Guidelines

Created: 27 February 2024, 18:34:22 BST
Last updated: 25 March 2024, 15:06:59 BST

Closed Species Disclaimer do not claim to own a "kangaroo" or "kangaroo-esque" species! Of course, anyone can make kangaroo characters and designs using similar appearances.
Fenroo as a closed species community, however, offers social art-related activities, world-building, themed events, etc., and asks that members follow the official methods to obtain Fenroo designs when participating in the community.
This entails:
  • When posting an unofficial fenroo design / concept publicly, please ensure it is clear they are unofficial (they also can't be submitted for prompts!)
  • If creating a fenroo-inspired design, or, "off-brand", please refrain from calling them under the "fenroo" name!

Community Guidelines

By participating in our community, you agree to follow all of these guidelines.

If someone has violated our community guidelines, please do not post about it publicly. Instead, send in a report.

Context and intent are important for investigating violations of our guidelines, each report is handled on a case-by-case basis and discussed by staff before taking action. When investigating a report or actions that go against our terms or guidelines, we keep the following in mind:

  • Account history
  • Severity
  • Context
  • Intent

What this entails is that if we determine something is meant to be harmful, offensive,  violates the rights of another person or entity, is exploitative of our services, or otherwise could violate our terms of service it does not matter if it is not a specific scenario covered in these guidelines.


  • Any kind of harassment or rude behaviour towards staff or other members will not tolerated. Repeatedly having poor behaviour after being warned will result in you being banned from our community. 
  • The following would violate our guidelines if it were to be submitted to, posted to, promoted, or linked to in any of our public community spaces:
    • Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism
    • Real-world threats of violence or death to another user, a staff member, an individual, entity, or group. 
    • Posting or linking to real-world personal information about another user, a staff member, an individual, an entity, or a group.
    • Write, post, or link to any content that is hateful or discriminatory to others
    • Writing, posting, or linking to any content that depicts or promotes genocide, fascism, or nazis
    • Content that is created or posted with the intent of harassing, abusing, upsetting, shaming or "getting a rise" out of someone.
    • Anything pornographic in nature, explicitly depictions or references to sex, fetish, and "NSFW" content.
    • References to or depictions of sexual violence
    • References to or depictions of slavery or human trafficking
    • Excessive violence or gore and references to real-life atrocities
    • References to or depictions of  child abuse
    • Directly encouraging the use of drugs, alcohol, or smoking - References to these things are OK. For drug use, it shouldn't be anything illegal in real life. Fake fantasy drugs are okay as long as they are not directly referencing a real-life illegal drug.
    • Mini-modding
    • Malicious reporting 
    • Posting or linking to a blacklist
    • Anything illegal
    • Posting or linking "callout" posts
    • Content that is extremely negative or depreciative towards another user, staff member, individual, entity, or group. Our community is not your place to vent.
    • Encouraging any other user to do anything on this list.
  • Any attempts to cheat or exploit our systems will be met with a warning or ban depending on the severity of the exploit.

    This includes:
    • Using or attempting to use multiple accounts to gain more progress or rewards
    • Lying to, guilting, or harassing other users or staff to gain currency, items, or characters
    • Attempting to scam other users out of their items, currency, or characters by offering things you do not own or cannot deliver on
    • Taking advantage of any glitches, loopholes, or staff errors to gain more rewards, instead of reporting the exploit.

    Please alrt us if you come across something that seems to not be working as intended. If it is discovered that you took advantage of an issue with the game for personal gain, you will be banned. Exploiting bugs ruins the game for others!