Gobi | Chasing the Clouds

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It was early in the morning, the sky a drowsy purple-blue as the sun hadn't fully risen yet. Instead, it chose to peek from behind the distant horizon line; slow and sleepy. Yet the nice part of it was that it was still somewhat cool. So much so that one could wander around comfortably, at least until shade would become a sunny day necessity.

One young roo, Gobi, was taking advantage of the cooler temperature and traveling towards the outskirts of the Range. A fair distance from their mobility because today they had a personal quest... they'd finally get to sketch and document a reptile they hadn't seen before.

At least, that was the plan.

While the young roo was smart about the creatures they cataloged, nature could often be... unpredictable.

"Think we'll see 'em again today?" The spotted roo spoke to a gecko that was nestled in the mop of hair on their head while his eyes wandered across a map with locations marked off. Of course, they got no response; with a paw he reached up and gently booped the gecko on the nose. Gobi received a sleepy grumble in exchange. "Still sleeping huh, Squeak? I guess that's fair... it is pretty early still." He responded with a chuckle as he felt the gecko curl up tighter.

"Let's see here then... I think their hideaway was by the big tree east of here... Probably for the shade...?" They spoke a few idol thoughts out loud during the travel, breaking the silence and making their own company.

After about an hour of travel, the sun had risen higher and, finally, Gobi made it to the location marked on their map. "We are officially here!" They grinned, putting the map away while scanning the area. Their orange eyes were looking for the hideaway they saw the last time they were here. Only a glimpse had been caught but they were positive they saw the tail of an iridescent rattler disappear into the hide.

If it was still here, maybe he could wait it out and study it for a bit.

That could be a big if though- it had been a week.

A few moments later the spotted fenroo had found a tree with a rock beneath it; shade and a seat with sights on the hide he had found. A perfect spot for waiting to see just what decided to venture forward, if anything chose to. After all, Gobi was here to study what he found if he was right that it was new- he just wouldn't disturb nature to do it.

Before he could think too far ahead, however, he felt Squeak crawl down from their spot on his head to rest on his shoulder. Likely expecting a treat as a reward for the hard task of... sleeping the entire trip out to the edges of the Range. "And what makes you think you get a waxworm huh?" Gobi's tone was playful as he booped the gecko on the nose, earning a chirp before the small reptile began to scour for where snacks might be.

Of course, the young fenroo would offer his companion a treat, but his attention was interrupted.

Something had decided to peek its head out of the hole they were watching; likely a response to the gecko's chirp.

A good sign- while Gobi couldn't see what it was at least this meant it was inhabited by something. If he was lucky maybe it was that odd-scaled rattler that he had only caught a glimpse of due to its shiny scales. But the young fenroo couldn't make out much of anything... not yet anyhow.

Slowly he pulled his journal and a set of charcoals and pencils from his bag; he was ready if whatever was there decided to wander further.

Unfortunately, now it was just a waiting game.
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Gobi | Chasing the Clouds
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In Prompt Submissions ・ By fyre
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Submitted By fyre for Chasing the Clouds
Submitted: 3 days and 5 hours agoLast Updated: 3 days and 5 hours ago

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