Chili | Simple Life I

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Chili had been right in their assumptions; the rolling clouds above had brought out everyone.

When the green and orange roo arrived at their group they caught sight of others taking their chance to enjoy the rainclouds. Young roos were collecting berries while splashing through puddles, a few older ones took advantage of the cooldown to do heavier work, and some placed out jars and pails and other bits and bobs to collect fresh water for cooking or drinking later on.

No one would miss the opportunity.

And Chili wouldn't be an exception to this.

After a cursory glance to see what others were doing, they decided to help gather eucalyptus; hopeful they would get enough to make a meal later for the group. Something everyone could enjoy after working through the rains- working in the relaxing cooldown while they could. At least that was the plan had another not interrupted Chili.

"Hey Chili, hold on!" Another roo bounded forward with a wave and a grin, "You plannin' anything while the rains coming down?"

"Well, I was going to help gather some eucalyptus- why?" They tilted their head, admittedly curious about the intent behind the question. Maybe they needed some help instead or something might be wrong? "Did you need something?"

In response, the fellow fenroo wasted no time nodding towards another direction before gesturing for Chili to follow.

With a chuckle and a shake of their head they went along with it. Admittedly they were curious now and, well, if nothing came of it they could always come back to the harvest after. The clouds didn't look like they would be letting up anytime soon after all.

They'd have time.

"Where are we going?" Chili would inquire once they were on their way, ears perked in curiosity.

"Well, one of the others found a few dewdapple plants- they're not producing yet but with the rains here we wanted to see how many we could find and mark them. For later, you know?" The other roo answered, finally giving a hint towards the quest at hand, "We could use a good set of eyes and you've always been real good at seeking."

Fair enough- and dewdapples were important.

With a smile, Chili followed after.

"Alright then- let's see what we can find."
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Chili | Simple Life I
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In ...And So Came The Rains ・ By fyre
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Submitted By fyre for Simple LifeView Favorites
Submitted: 2 weeks and 4 days agoLast Updated: 2 weeks and 4 days ago

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