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"Three Wine boxes, 1kg of coffee beans, and two boxes of Root Beer," The Caravan Seller lists the items as Meliora organizes the boxes on her cart, with the growing amount of travelers and sellers coming to The range to sell their goods and celebrate the new Harvest season with friends, the streets become busier and busier with the number of people every day, but with experience comes practice, and this is her second year on The Range. Just like she ordered her restock arrived 18 days earlier than their usual date, a way for her to avoid the bigger crowds that are yet to come. Just as she lifted the second to last box, The Caravan Owner addressed her Again. "You're distracted."

"No, i'm not." she totally is, but she didn't get where she is without a little denial.

"Yes, you are, i'm telling you this year's harvest was twice as big as last year." He exclaims with a little too much emphasis, he sounds pissed, damn. "You know what that means right?"

"You get to sell two bulbs instead of your yearly one?" She tries a joke, but his immediate frown tells her it's a lousy decision, "Sorry."

"It means there's gonna be more people this year, The Market crowds are going to be packed, ya hear me? Packed." He opens his arms, making an upward circular motion to emphasize his point. his sunhat even tilts a good 10 degrees down with his frantic movements, something about it gets a smirk out of her, she hates how easily that happens talking with him, and with Hibiscus. Something about talking with people you know just enough, disgusting.

"I would assume that's a good thing for you?" She adjusts the wine box in her hands, tilting her head with the question, "More clientele and all."

"Well, It's good for me." He makes a dismissive hand gesture and then puts it on his chest, "I'm worried about your emotionally negligent buttocks."

Buttocks? "I don't know what you're talking about."

The older 'Roo takes a dramatic sight before looking at her again " Look around for a second?"

She Meets him with a questioning gaze before doing as told, and looks around the Market street, gazing at the frequent strangers' faces and backs, Most of the local shop owners have already put together their barracks and shops, and the ones who are still arriving seem to be spur around the area, conversing with each other, but she sees the distant silhouettes in the distance, far away from the Market's entrance, a group of even more 'roos, most likely sellers arriving. And although she wouldn't call the streets busy just yet, she gets the point. Her Supplier speaks up again, "It's only your second year here, do you think you can handle so many guests? Travelers get thirsty after all."

She lets her gaze linger at the entrance for some seconds, as much as she hates to admit it, there's something inside of her bundling some anxiety at the thought of handling so many people at the same time. But she came here for a reason, if it's part of the job then she'll get used to it. She finally puts the box on her cart before turning back to him with a smirk, "I totally can."

He makes a momentarily surprised face before settling for a smile, "Well i hope you save a cup of beer for me too then."

Meliora Laughs at the comment and puts the last box on her cart, waving him goodbye as she leaves, the earlier worry gone now, whatever comes her way, she's got this.

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In Prompt Submissions ・ By Haris_Athena
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Submitted By Haris_AthenaView Favorites
Submitted: 2 weeks and 3 days agoLast Updated: 2 weeks and 3 days ago

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