Treasure | Fading Embers of Old Friends
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All he went searching for was a simple gift.

Treasure woke up with a plan; one he hoped to start on early lest hot weather force him to retreat into the shade and lose valuable time. And while sometimes he could be a bit blasé in his plans... this one was special. Very, very special- he refused to muck it up in any fashion even if the hot sun tried to chase him away or the rains threatened to return with their dark overcast.

No- that wouldn't do.

The one he wanted to take as his partner, his second half, deserved only the best.

And that included the best of his attention, too.

So once the sun had risen just enough to peek over the horizon Treasure left his home with a basket, a satchel, and a dark stone with a sharp edge. All instruments perfect for gathering cuttings of the finest flowers and brightest greenery as he intended to make a bouquet for the roo who had caught his attention. Despite trying his best not to draw anyone's curiosity, however, it seemed someone noticed the things he carried and decided to follow.

Unfortunate- Treasure wanted peace and time to himself.

"I can hear you following me, Gobi," Treasure chimed in after some travel into the wilds of Veld, gilded ears raising in curiosity. Despite letting the young roo know that Treasure was aware of their presence, the youngster continued to try and hide. Youthful curiosity made them a bit nosey- but they also didn't wish to bring trouble to anyone.

And, maybe, they were a little lonely too. Having no true mobility to call their own.

With a sigh Treasure pinched the bridge of their nose, long tail twitching in indecision... But they couldn't bring themselves to be unkind. "If you promise not to be any trouble I'll let you come with me, without you having to hide," A friendly offer despite the older roo wanting this time to themselves... but they couldn't let the youngster wander about alone. "I'm looking for flowers and bright green ferns, do you know of any places where the prettiest ones might grow...?"

With the offer made Gobi peeked out from their hiding spot, ears perked as a pleased smile stretched across their muzzle. "I know some really good spots for flower picking Treasure! And I promise I won't be no trouble..." A slight pause, somewhat concerned and uncertain, "Can I really come along?"

In response, the older roo gave a nod before beginning to walk once again- bright eyes scanning the horizon for anything that could grab his attention.

Before he could look much, however, Gobi was already prepared with a hundred questions and comments.

The floodgates opened as soon as they joined Treasure's side.

"Why are you looking for flowers? Are you going to decorate? Or- Ooooh are you making flower crowns?! I can help- I make good ones!" Their tone was chipper, excited- happy to help if they could. They were a young, curious, and friendly roo but they were often left to their own devices; having nowhere to call their own meant they followed who or whatever caught their attention.

"I'm making a gift for a very special roo," Treasure offered a soft smile, "So I need very special flowers." He paused, thinking for a moment before looking down at the young roo, "But I guess we can make some flower crowns while we search."

Special flowers...?

Gobi remembered seeing something recently...

"I saw a really, really pretty one a few days ago! I think someone would like it!" The spotted roo noted, before pausing to try and remember where they saw it... Was it by the rocky place...?

... Well, maybe they'd find other nice ones on the way.

"I think I remember where I saw it...." Gobi sounded uncertain.

And that made Treasure conflicted; on one hand, he wanted something very special but on the other if they wasted time he may not get enough to put together his gift... At least not today. And that could mess up some of his plans. Yet if it was truly impressive it could be the perfect centerpiece to his gift. And the young roo was good at finding interesting things- Treasure knew that much.

"Alright, let's go look for it," Treasure relented and the search for the perfect flower was on.

However... what Treasure didn't expect to find was something both magical and foreboding once the flora in question had been found. While beautiful and mysterious, unique as promised, the sight of the firey flower caused an uneasiness to stir in his chest...

Why was instinct telling him to run...?

"Gobi... When did you find this...?" Treasure raised a brow at the young roo.

"A few days ago, I think," Gobi pondered, head tilting some, "It was just a bulb then though... And it wasn't on fire." The young roo tried to get closer but Treasure grabbed their shoulder- claws digging in as panic began to sink in. "Treasure...?" The spotted roo looked up at the older one in confusion, "What's wrong? Your claws are hurting my shoulder!"

Before Treasure could manage an answer, the younger spotted roo noticed they were shaking; ears pinned back and tail curling around in fear.

They were... scared...?

Of what...?

Once the younger fenroo looked around they noticed more lilies beginning to bloom; the fire lighting up the surrounding stone. And what they previously thought was nothing more than stone hidden in the shadow began to shift and move. Something large and snakelike unfurling its body to stand at full height. What looked like sharp stones were large scales and what they previously thought were rocky spires were, in truth, long horns and spines.

From the shadows cast by the lilies, a great beast rose, ember eyes settling on the two fenroo that dared to disturb their firey garden.

"We need to run."

With that Treasure grabbed Gobi by the wrist and ran; there was no looking back.

They had to warn the others.
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Treasure | Fading Embers of Old Friends
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In Prompt Submissions ・ By fyre
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Submitted By fyre for [EVENT] Fading Embers of Old Friends
Submitted: 2 days and 10 hours agoLast Updated: 2 days and 10 hours ago

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